Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 Nshadow_fingerUtility functions for managing each finger of Shadow Hand. Contains struct to hold necessary data about each finger, and each instance can be passed around to planning utilities. Also contains some functionality for operating on BioTac sensor attached to the respective finger
 CFingerUtility struct for managing each finger of Shadow Hand. Contains all the information about the Finger instance, including joint limits, MoveGroup, MoveIt plan, and joint control publishers
 CBioTacUtility struct for managing the BioTac sensor attached to each finger. Holds the pressure and impedance data obtained from the sensor
 Nshadow_handUtility functions for managing groups of fingers of Shadow Hand. Constructs "Hand" class of shared pointers to multiple fingers, once multiple finger instances have been created
 CHandUtility functions for managing groups of fingers of Shadow Hand. Constructs "Hand" class of shared pointers to multiple fingers, once multiple finger instances have been created
 Nshadow_planningUtility functions for planning and execution routines to control the ShadowHand
 CPlanningOptionsStruct to set planning parameters for MoveIt planning